
Wednesday, October 3, 2012


This is a new focus for third grade. In the past, it has been in second grade. Rounding is about making mental math easier. We use mental math every day, whether we realize it or not. To teach students how to round, we focus on 10's, 100's, and 1,000's numbers...because the only "round" number is a zero.

Students should have these notes in their binders.

If you know my teaching style at all, you know that I have to have a song to go with this concept. This songs helps students decide whether they should round up or round down.
This is the presentation that I use throughout the week to teach children about rounding numbers.

Round Up Time

I love incorporating videos throughout my presentations and here are just a few of the ones I use to help students understand the concept of rounding.

Let kids have while learning while having fun!


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